Disaster Prep & Recovery

Please call 713-874-6664 for our Disaster Relief Hotline!

**Flood Relief Servicing Counties: Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Walker, Waller**

Apply For Disaster Assistance

Disaster Assistance Application

Hello, I'm with Catholic Charities of Galveston Houston Disaster Team. If you received storm related damages, we can assist. Please take a few minutes to answer questions for a quick intake process.

"*" indicates required fields

What is the best telephone number to reach you at? (000-000-0000)
Emergency Contact*
Who can we reach in case pf Emergency? (first & last name)
What is the emergency contact telephone number? (000-000-0000)
Were you affected during a disaster? if so please list which disaster. Note- you can choose multiple choices.*
Affected Address*
What is the affected address Street Name and Number during the disaster?
Preferred method of contact?*

For questions or more information, you may contact 713-874-6664

Watch Video Tips and Information

Hurricane Prep Resources

Make sure you and your family are prepared for the next storm. Catholic Charities’ Disaster Recovery Program has tips, resources and checklists to help you stay safe. Hurricane Preparedness Resources