If you share our passion to help the poor and vulnerable, leaving a gift to Catholic Charities in your Will means you can have a lasting impact in achieving this.
Find out how you can do something amazing by remembering Catholic Charities in your will.

With your help, Catholic Charities will continue to help people in need for years to come.
If you would like to receive information about leaving a gift to Catholic Charities in your will, or to let us know that you have left a gift to Catholic Charities in your will please complete this form.
Support from people like you has helped thousands of families escape a life of poverty, and enabled them to live happy and fulfilling lives. By leaving a gift to Catholic Charities in your will, your legacy will ensure countless people like Dominga can be helped.
Dominga escape to the U.S. as a child after witnessing the murder of her mother, enduring years of abuse by her father, and being sexually exploited by her employer. Thanks to people like you, Dominga made an extraordinary recovery, and was taken in by a loving family. Now Dominga has graduated from high school, received her long-awaited “green card” and is launching a new chapter in her life.
Charitable bequests are like well-kept secrets.
Adding a gift for charity to your will or retirement plan is a simple act with impressive results. Few people realize legacy gifts support much of the services that Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston provides today, and the good works that will happen tomorrow.
Charitable bequests are like well-kept secrets.
Many of our supporters choose to remember Catholic Charities in their will as it ensures that their support will be long lasting and help the poor and vulnerable for years to come. And making a will or updating your existing will is a lot easier than you think!
For further information on how to include Catholic Charities in your will, please complete the form below or contact us at bequests@catholiccharities.org.
Our promise to you
When you put a gift to Catholic Charities in your Will or even if you just considering it:
Download your FREE Planned Giving Brochure by filling out the below information:

Frequently Asked Questions:
Why should I leave a bequest to Catholic Charities?
Joining the Legacy Society of Catholic Charities
If you plan for a future gift to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, we’d like to honor you with a membership in a very special group — the Legacy Society of Catholic Charities.
How do you join?
Just let us know about your charitable bequest. Call us at 713.874.6624 or email us at bequests@catholiccharities.org.
As a Legacy Society member, you’re always invited to our events. You’ll learn new things, have fun and meet interesting people, including other philanthropists who are dedicated to Catholic Charities and its mission.
We also celebrate your decision to make a gift in your will by including your name on our Legacy Society roster. If you prefer to join the Legacy Society anonymously, that’s fine too. You’ll still be invited to everything, and you’ll receive all our updates; but your name will not be mentioned.
Can I join the Legacy Society with gifts other than through bequests?
Is it easy to add a charitable gift to my will?
What if I don’t have a will yet?
A surprising number of people — even those with substanial assets — never get around to this essential task. If you don’t have a will and would like a referral to a qualified estate attorney in your community, Catholic Charities can help. We’ve worked with local lawyers over the years. Give us a call at 713.874.6624 so we can assist you.
How long will my gift keep helping my community?
How do I get started?
Here is how you can let us know you have made plans for a charitable bequest:
Call us at 713.874.6624
or email us at bequests@catholiccharities.org
or write to us at:
Catholic Charities
ATTN: Bequests
2900 Louisiana Street
Houston, TX 77006
Tell your friends
Research shows more than 90% of donors in the U.S. are happy to consider adding a gift for charity to their wills. Yet less than 10% of U.S. households actually get around to making a charitable bequest. Why? The No. 1 reason cited, “It just never occurred to me.”
You are an extraordinary person to consider leaving a bequest to help future generations. Thank you!