You stepped in when Shirley was lost.

Thanks to You, Shirley Can Stand on Her Own

Shirley served 30 years in the Army. Life hit her hard when she left the military. Feeling lost and on her own, Catholic Charities was there to help.

Shirley served 30 years in the U.S. Army. After she left the military, she thought she would be enjoying her civilian life and spending more time with her family. Then she was blindsided when her husband wanted a divorce.

Learning to navigate the civilian world was hard enough. Now she lost her support system and soon, without a job to support herself, her home. For the first time in many years, she was by herself, on her own and felt lost.

Because of your support, Catholic Charities’ Women Veterans Program was able to step in for Shirley. She began attending regular support groups where she connected with other female vets that had similar experiences. Her counselor helped provide a sense of calm during an anxious time in her life, and her career coach kept her motivated while searching for a new job.

READ MORE: Meet people whose lives you’ve impacted with your support of Catholic Charities

While Shirley worked to set up her new life, she was able to visit the Beacon of Hope food pantry in Galveston to get enough to eat, thanks to you. Not worrying about where her next meal came from gave her a sense of relief.

Shirley was so grateful for the services and support she received through Catholic Charities that once she landed a new job, she even made a generous gift to help other female veterans in need like she once was.

“Thanks for ensuring we know that someone cares. Your tireless efforts and support do not go unnoticed. Your prayers for me and every woman veteran are greatly appreciated.”

You make it possible to serve the veterans who served our country and need our help. We can’t continue our mission without you, and we are deeply appreciative of your ongoing support.

You can help empower more veterans like Shirley.

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> Learn more about our Women Veterans Program.