Neil’s rocky marriage ended in an angry divorce, and a nasty custody battle over his four daughters. He won full custody of his children, but then he suddenly lost his job.
For months Neil applied for job after job with no luck. He worried about being able to keep his children fed, and eviction loomed as a very real possibility.
But then you came to his rescue.
Thanks to your generosity, Neil received emergency financial assistance from Catholic Charities that helped keep his family in their home.
Custody battles are hard. Losing your job right afterward is even harder. As the bills piled up, Neil was filled with despair about how he would support his family.
Your support made it possible for Neil to focus on getting back on his feet, and not worry about losing his home. You allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief during one of the most difficult times in his life.
Because you provided Neil with emergency assistance, he was able to earn a mechanic’s certification that led to him getting a good, well-paying job. He’s now catching up on past due rent and enjoying life once again with his daughters.
Thank you for being there when one of our neighbors needed you the most!