LaToya is raising three boys while completing her schooling and working part-time. During her first pregnancy, she found out her son would be born with profound hearing loss. LaToya wasn’t sure where to turn for help.
That’s where you come into the story. Because of you, LaToya learned how to care for her baby and feel confident about bringing him into the world.
Your support of the Blessed Beginnings Life Center gave LaToya the strength, knowledge, and faith she needed to care for her son.
“I believe because of the program and my faith in God, I was able to handle my son being born with profound hearing loss,” LaToya said.
LaToya has since welcomed two more boys into the world – the youngest arriving three months premature this past February. Because of your generosity, LaToya and other mothers like her receive material and social support – like diapers, formula and car seats – as well as education on raising their young children.
While LaToya has been parenting by herself, she rarely feels alone because of you. “I am forever grateful for the organization so I don’t have to miss any of the important milestones for my children,” LaToya said.