“You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8

Let us pray for social justice and an end to racism.
Learning about the death of George Floyd and the manner in which he died, was upsetting to many. We have all seen the aftermath in peaceful and not-so-peaceful protests. Recently, thousands of gathered in downtown Houston to peacefully protest the death of George Floyd and the larger issue: continuous acts of violence and indifference to human life rooted in racism.
Catholic Social Teaching compels us to treat one another with respect and dignity, because we are all equally a part of this world that God created. Many of the people we serve tell stories that make it clear that racism compounds the challenges they already face while living in poverty. These stories are heart breaking, but they serve as a call to action to find wholeness from racial division.
We encourage our communities to use this time to reflect on how each one of us can stand against the evil of racism and work for justice. Pray for justice. Pray for guidance about what you can do to support justice for our clients and for our world.
Below are some resources on combating racism, how to talk to children and mental health tips and information:
Catholic Resources
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
- We all need to take responsibility together
- Statement of Daniel Cardinal DiNardo – Death of George Floyd
U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops
- Open Wide Our Hearts to the Enduring Call to Love – A pastoral letter against racism
- Statement of U.S. Bishops’ President on George Floyd and the Protests in American Cities
- Statement of U.S. Bishop Chairmen in Wake of Death of George Floyd and National Protests
- Combating Racism (prayers, study guides and more)
Catholic Charities USA
- Prayer for Racial Healing
- Prayer to Overcome Racism – English and Spanish
- Catholic Charities USA Condemns Killing of George Floyd
- Pope prays for U.S., calls racism a pro-life issue
National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) Resources
Resources for Speaking to Children
- Tips for Kids on Racism and Protests [PDF] | Catholic Charities’ Counseling and Behavioral Health Clinic
- Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News (ENGLISH | SPANISH)
- CNN and ‘Sesame Street’ to host a town hall addressing racism (CNN)
- How to talk to kids about racism, protests and injustice (TODAY.com)
- How to talk to kids about what happened to George Floyd (Texas Children’s Hospital)
- Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup
- How to Talk to Kids about Race and Racism (Parent Tool Kit)
- 8 Tips for Talking to Your Child About Racial Injustice (EmbraceRace.org)
- Talking to kids about discrimination (American Physchological Association)
- Recursos antirracistas en español
Mental Health Resources
We are living in stressful times. If you’re feeling overly stressed or anxious, call us at 713.874.6590 to speak to a counselor, or view mental health tips and additional resources on our Counseling and Behavioral Health Clinic page.