Kiara came to Catholic Charities when she was pregnant with her second child where she learned about nutrition, breastfeeding and caring for her newborn.
At Catholic Charities, we help young moms and dads alleviate their worries thanks to your support. Our dedicated team is committed to the sanctity of human life from conception, and we provide the support and education young parents need to raise happy, healthy babies and children.
One of our moms, Kiara, has been a part of our Blessed Beginnings program for the past three years.
Kiara joined the program when she had a young daughter and was pregnant with her second child. The Catholic Charities team helped her re-enroll in school and determine a path toward financial stability.
Also, by attending Blessed Beginnings classes, she learned about good nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding, caring for a newborn and preventing sudden infant death syndrome. She earned “Baby Bucks” that allowed her “shop” in the Baby Room for necessities.
Kiara said:
“I thought I knew what I was doing as a parent, but these classes have helped expand on my knowledge.
I do not have as many worries about how I can afford baby items because of the generous donations of the Baby Room. I am totally grateful for this program and the many things that they do.”

Through the Blessed Beginnings program, Kiara learned additional parenting skills to help take care of her daughters.
Throughout the Galveston-Houston region, thousands of mothers like Kiara face financial hardships, or wish they had more knowledge about caring for their young children. Many face homelessness, struggle to balance low-wage jobs and child care costs, or are unable to find work because of illness, disability or lack of education.