Catholic Charities assisted more than 1,300 individuals Thursday to help them deal with the challenges caused by Hurricane Harvey.
Catholic Charities assisted more than 1,300 individuals Thursday with basic necessities, referrals, emergency funds and gift cards to help them deal with the challenges caused by Hurricane Harvey.
“Now that floodwaters are receding, we are just beginning the long, slow recovery process,” said Cynthia N. Colbert, MSW, president and CEO. “We welcome anyone who needs assistance in the aftermath of this devastating storm, and individuals are encouraged to visit whichever relief center is most convenient to them. Our community is stronger together, and we will help each another get back on our feet and move forward. We are the hands and feet of Christ.”
Catholic Charities will serve as both an information hub and donation point for selected items. Services include referrals for benefits and assistance, gift cards for needs and counseling. Catholic Charities will provide other support services as they are able, but the immediate focus is to assist individuals facing difficulties because of the storm.
Donations of specific items will be welcomed at the relief centers listed below. Please check in advance for hours of operation. This weekend (Sept. 2-3), staff is available to receive donations at the main office at 2900 Louisiana, on a limited schedule.
Most-needed items are:
- Food – bottled water, canned goods, can openers
- Children’s items – diapers (all sizes), formula, school supplies (elementary through high school)
- Cleaning supplies – bleach, buckets, disk soap, laundry soap, mops, rags, rubber gloves, scrub sponges
- Toiletries – combs, female hygiene items, hairbrushes, shampoo, shaving cream, toothbrushes
- Household items – bath towels, kitchen towels, paper towels
- Miscellaneous – bras, socks, underwear, pet food, gift cards for grocery stores and gas stations, Spanish and English bibles
Please do not send clothes at this time.
Please place large quantities of donations (from semi-trailers) on pallets.
Cash donations can be made online at www.catholiccharities.org/helpforharvey.
People who need assistance, want to volunteer or donate, or need more information about Catholic Charities may call the main office at 713.526.4611 during office hours or the disaster relief hotline at 713.874.6664. For referrals to Greater Houston’s social support network, call 2-1-1. For urgent help in life-threatening situations, please call 9-1-1.
Here are the locations and contacts for the Catholic Charities assistance operations:
Catholic Charities Central Office
2900 Louisiana Street
Houston, TX 77006
Mamie George Community Center
1111 Collins Road
Richmond, Texas 77469
Texas City, Mainland
712 5th Ave North
Texas City, TX 77590
4700 Broadway, #F103
Galveston, TX 77550
Bay Area Office
1300-A Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX 77058
Dickinson Volunteer Site
Unity Church
1911 Texas 3
League City, Texas 77573