Charity in Action Awards Recognize Faithful Support for Catholic Charities’ Mission...
You Kept Neil and His Daughters in Their Home
Neil’s rocky marriage ended in an angry divorce, and a nasty custody battle over...
You Lifted Holly Out of Her Darkest Moment
Last year, Holly was sad, depressed and about to have her utilities shut off. After...
You helped Jose and Maria to not go hungry
Jose and Maria have been married for 48 years. But the last few years have been...
You Help Seniors Like Kathleen Reach Their Goals
Kathleen was losing hope. As a senior, social isolation really took its toll during the...
You helped Mateo find a job and keep his home
Mateo lost his job last winter and, after being out of work for months, his confidence...
You Helped Atifa Finish School
Atifa was excited to finish 12th grade and go to college. Then, the Taliban took over...
You helped Isis prepare for a healthy baby
Isis was nervous as her due date approached. At 35, she was pregnant for the first time...
You Helped Lillian and Dena Start a New Life
Poverty has been cruel to Lillian and her 13-year-old granddaughter Dena, but thanks to...
You Helped an Elderly Grandmother Who’s Raising her Grandkids
Gretchen is a senior living on a fixed income. Every month, money is tight. With rent,...
When Debra Needed Help, You Were There
Debra lost her husband, an Army veteran, six years ago. She was lonely and depressed,...
You Helped an Afghan Family Start a New Life in Houston
Saahir worked for a United States-based company in Afghanistan. Because of his work, he...