Catholic Charities' St. Frances Cabrini enter added three additional workshops in August...
Catholic Charities’ Senior VP of Programs Presents at International Conference in China
06.06.2018 Natalie Wood, senior vice president of programs for Catholic Charities of the...
Experts to Speak About Global Refugee Crisis, Local Solutions on World Refugee Day Houston 2018
05.31.2018 A panel of Houston-area experts will discuss the global refugee crisis and...
Catholic Charities “Happy” to Raise Nearly $1 Million at 75th Anniversary Celebration
05.15.2018 Bright colors, exciting live music, and plenty of dancing made this birthday...
You Helped a Young Assault Victim Find Hope Through the Cabrini Center
Rachel was only 13 when an older cousin began sexually assaulting her. He threatened to...
Cabrini Center Helps Crime Victims Who Turn to Catholic Charities for Legal Assistance
Every year the Crime Victims Assistance Program through the St. Frances Cabrini Center...
You Helped Save a 17-Year Marriage Through Counseling
When life’s obstacles began to strain his 17-year marriage, Michael knew he needed help....
Answering the Call: One Family Provides Refugee Family Gift of Independence
Pope Francis put out a call to #ShareJourney with our migrant and refugee neighbors. One...
With Your Help, Counselors Can Help Those Impacted Heal After Harvey
Because of you, in the months since Harvey, the Catholic Charities’ Counseling Services...
You Helped A Teen Rescued from Sex Trafficking Take Back Her Life
After coming to the U.S. on her own at age 15, Josefina was forced into the sex industry...
With Your Help, Mamie George Helped Mary Live Independently
Mary had exhausted her efforts to find help for her dire situation. She was a disabled...
Catholic Charities New York Delivers Funds to Help Houston After Harvey
When Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast in 2012, people sent relief aid from across...