You make the difference for thousands of families like Mary’s through Catholic Charities’ Family Assistance Program.

Thanks to you, this week Mary’s family will eat healthy foods like these oranges and apples that she received at the Guadalupe Center food fair.
Mary wears a cheery yellow cap to a recent food fair at Guadalupe Center that reflects her tenacity to get through life: “I pray to the Lord every day and every night. I’m pretty sure he’ll open a door to help us.”
Thanks to your kind heart and generous gifts to Catholic Charities, Mary’s family is one of the thousands served each month by the Family Assistance Program at the Guadalupe Center.
Mary has no car and must ride the bus, pulling a battered maroon suitcase that she uses to transport food back home. The nutritious food you help provide to Mary at the food fair is a godsend. “We barely have enough money to pay the rent and bills. There’s no money left for groceries,” she says.
READ MORE: Meet people whose lives you’ve impacted with your support of Catholic Charities
Because of you, the staff at the Guadalupe Center is helping Mary apply for food stamps, which she hopes will give her family budget a little breathing room.
Your support for Catholic Charities gives Mary hope. “I don’t want to give up on life. Every day counts. Every day is precious to me.”
You can help more families like Mary’s receive enough food to eat.
> Learn more about Catholic Charities Family Assistance program, or volunteer at an upcoming food fair