Nicole worried a lot. She worried about how all the moving would impact her son. She worried about where they’d find their next meal. Most of all, she worried that her abusive ex would re-enter the picture.
But, thanks you, Nicole isn’t worried as much anymore. Your generosity helped her and her son start again and find a more positive path in life.
After fleeing her abusive ex, Nicole and her son bounced from shelter to shelter. These shelters were not always safe.
“There were moments where I felt like a total failure,” Nicole said.
But you came to the rescue. When Nicole came the Women Veterans Program, she was welcomed without judgment. She and her son were put up in a hotel while she planned her next steps.
“Once I was able to get into the hotel, I was able to focus on my goals in a safe environment,” Nicole said.
Because of your support, she received help writing her resume, coached on how to interview, and given professional clothes. With the stability that came with having a safe place to live, and a renewed focus, Nicole started applying for jobs.
She landed one that paid her more than any previous job she had. As she continued to recover financially and emotionally, she was even able to buy a house so she and her son wouldn’t have to move anymore.