PSM Connect

Working together, we serve as the hands and feet of Christ to bring God’s mercy to the most vulnerable among us.

PSM (Parish Social Ministry) Connect is an event hosted by Catholic Charities to educate and inform parish pastors, social ministers, and other parish leaders regarding the services offered by Catholic Charities. We will explore ways we can work together to help those in need, while incorporating Catholic Social Teaching and tenets of our faith.

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Catholic Charities works with local parishes to help those in need.

If you want to be notified about the next PSM Connect, please contact Rhonda Sepulveda, Parish and Government Relations Coordinator, at or 712-874-6672.

Check this page for the schedule and resources for upcoming PSM Connect sessions.

PSM Connect Resources


Building Up Parish Partnerships to Care for the Poor and Vulnerable Above All Else!
Featured service: Family Assistance Program


Solidarity: Together we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers
Featured service: St. Frances Cabrini Center for Immigrant Legal Assistance
Due to the severe winter weather in February, this session was held in March.


Let Us Build Up the Kingdom and Shelter the Homeless (Corporal Work Mercy)
Featured services: Housing/Homelessness Prevention


Let us be a Blessing to Young Moms and Babies! (CST reference: Life and Dignity of the Human Person) Featured service: Blessed Beginnings Life Center


Let us Support & Counsel the Afflicted and the Sorrowful (Spiritual Work of Mercy)
Featured service: Counseling and Behavioral Health Center


Let us Recognize and Welcome the Stranger! (Corporal Works of Mercy in Practice)
Featured service: Refugee Resettlement Program


Call to Family, Community, and Participation through Disaster Recovery (Corporal Works of Mercy in Practice) Featured service: Disaster Recovery


The Life and Dignity of the Human Person: Care for Our Seniors
Featured service: Senior Program


She is a veteran, too! (Spiritual Works of Mercy: Bearing Wrongs Patiently) Featured Service: Women Veterans Program