Listen to Elaine tell her story in her own words:
Elaine was recovering from one disaster when another one hit just over a year later.
In April 2016 during the Tax Day Flood, a massive tree fell on Elaine’s mobile home and caused significant damage to her property and belongings. Because of generous people like you, Catholic Charities was able to help Elaine move into a safe apartment and provide furniture while her home was being repaired.
Elaine was also fighting cancer during this time, and knowing she had a safe place to live provided some comfort. “It helped me in such a huge, huge amount because I had already gone through a traumatic ordeal.”
While waiting for the repairs on her home to be completed, Hurricane Harvey hit and flooded her apartment. The few belongings she was able to salvage from her damaged mobile home were now wiped away by Harvey.
Elaine’s case manager called her a few days after the storm to check on her. Learning her apartment was flooded, the case manager helped Elaine get into a hotel room to escape the wet, moldy apartment that same day.
Thanks to you, Catholic Charities set up the Safe Harbor program to provide transitional housing for clients like Elaine who were impacted by Harvey. Elaine was able to move into a clean, safe apartment where she has been able to temporarily live in rent-free with furnishings and utilities paid for by Catholic Charities while she gets back on her feet.
“Catholic Charities is just a genuine blessing in the utmost degree. I will forever be grateful to Catholic Charities. Forever.”