The Blessed Beginnings Pregnancy & Parenting Life Center is committed to the sanctity of human life, especially in its most vulnerable early stages. As a pro-life agency that honors every single human being with the dignity and respect they deserve, we are dedicated to providing the support and education parents need to have happy, healthy babies and children. Our program focuses on the critical time period from the woman’s pregnancy through the age of three—a child’s most formative years.

Services Offered
If you are calling for information regarding our classes, please call 713.874.6760.
To be eligible, you must:
- Live in Fort Bend, Galveston, or Harris counties
- Parent or Caregiver ID
- Proof of Address
- Birth Certificate of child less than 3 yrs old
- Proof of pregnancy if mother is currently pregnant
Case Management providing community resources and referrals , group counseling sessions provided by our expert counseling department and material assistance for those actively and continuously participating in the program.