Refugee Education Programs

Refugee Youth After-School Program

The Refugee Youth After-School Program assists students in Collins Elementary. The program is offered at Collins during the summer, fall and spring.
We have three objectives with our after school programs:

  1. Assist refugee children/youth to speak, read and write in English
  2. Improve academic performance
  3. Integrate into American society


School Impact Grant

  • Assist during their integration process
  • In-school tutoring to help for refugee students improve their English (during school hours and after school)
  • Provides school orientations and mental health orientations for refugee families to discuss the US school system
  • Provides the opportunity to break the stigma about mental health among the refugee communities
  • Provide families with school supplies and uniforms for all age children in school
  • Assist with parent-teacher conferences (transportation and interpretation provided)
  • Provide Professional Development trainings to school districts and school personnel who work with refugee students
  • Summer programs offered that focus on providing support during school and implementing CC summer programs.

All students programs focus on social emotional learning.

Afghan Refugee Health Promotion Program for Afghan Women

We call this program “Chai with sisters” which means tea with sisters. The program is made of 4 sessions where CC staff provide information about Health information 101, Children’s health, mental health, hygiene, nutrition and other topics in a culturally appropriate approach. We provide childcare as needed during the sessions, as well as transportation as needed as well.

Refugee Youth Program

This program provides tutoring in one of the middle schools in Alief ISD and includes the after school program in Collins Elementary. In intervention/tutoring: we work with the students on in-class assignments with a focus on English enhancement. The after school program provides homework assistance as well as lesson plans that focus on social emotional learning as well as other cultural and social topics. There is also a summer program provided.

  • Homework assistance to prevent children from becoming discouraged as they work
  • Life skills and special activities to learn about American society, culture, traditions and holidays
  • Arts enrichment activities to express creativity and learn team-building skills
  • Summer program: children engage in arts and crafts, sports and physical activities, group music, reading time, and movie days for six hours a day, three days a week
  • Annual field trip and events such as kids games
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) coursework, phonics instruction, reading and speech

Benefit to parents: children enrolled in our program receive field trips, clothing donations, toys, school supplies and a safe place to learn

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible clients are refugees. Children for both Collins and Sneed programs are selected by the ESL Staff at each school. These staff identify students who have limited English skills and are in need of extra assistance.

The program is free of charge, funded by private foundations.
Service Area/Location

Refugee Youth After-School Programs are offered at Collins Elementary and Sneed Elementary.
Collins Elementary:9829 Town Park Dr, Houston, TX 77036


Ardiane Ademi, 713-874-6516 or