Your gift of just $27.93 will feed a needy family for a week!

What you are about to do will change a struggling family’s life forever!

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Even though Lauren skips meals so her children can eat, her paycheck as a single working mom isn’t enough to feed her family for an entire month. Lauren is hungry, weak and having difficulty concentrating at work because she isn’t getting enough to eat, and during school her children worry if they will have dinner tonight.

You can help Lauren, her children and others like them by making a gift to Catholic Charities.

With your gift, you will provide food for a desperate family like Lauren’s.

To make a gift by mail, send your check made out to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to 2900 Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77006.

To make a gift by phone, call John McGarry at 713-874-6681.


Make a Gift with Confidence

Catholic Charities is a nationally recognized and accredited nonprofit. We take our responsibility as stewards of your contributions seriously.

Nearly 90% of our operating expenses supports programs and services for children, seniors and families in need.