Purchase Tables and Tickets

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Giving Levels:

Supernova Supporters $20,000
  • Provide 100 families with a year of groceries in Trini’s Market
  • 2 Premium Tables for 10
  • Recognition during event
  • Listed on annual recognition at MGCC
  • Recognition on website and event materials
Glittering Galaxies $10,000
  • Help 10 families stay in their homes through rental assistance
  • Premium Table for 10
  • Recognition during event
  • Listed on annual recognition at MGCC
  • Recognition on website and event materials
Guiding Lights $5,000
  • Provide 50 months of hot meals for seniors at Patty’s Café
  • Prominent table for 10
  • Recognition during event
  • Listed on annual recognition at MGCC
  • Recognition on website and event materials
Stardust Patrons $3,000
  • Provide 30 struggling families with electricity in their homes
  • Preferred table for 10
  • Recognition during event
  • Listed on annual recognition at MGCC
  • Recognition on website and event materials
Cosmic Contributors $1,500
  • Fill 300 emergency food bags for desperate families
  • Table for 10
  • Recognition on website and event materials